Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Things seen and heard at the "Internet Marketing Conference"

Last year I went to the "Internet Marketing Conference" with a buddy of mine. I never did get a chance to report on some of the crazy things I saw and heard while in attendance that day.

I went because my older friend had already paid for a ticket and said that free lunch was included. It's the "Internet Marketing Conference" that seems to show up at a hotel in every city across the country at least once a year and is heavily advertised by snail mail.

Those poor old folks had no idea what they were walking into.

Having already run a few websites in the past and dabbled in some Internet marketing work, I was fully aware of most everything that they discussed at the conference.

Essentially what this group does is charge people a few thousand dollars for a website and access to some tools that are available very cheaply or altogether free to those who are aware.

Do you need to pay a few grand to get www.iwanttosellsomeworthlessshit.com and access to otherwise free affiliate programs? No, of course not. These people were getting ripped off.

The tactics they used to achieve the sales were downright dirty.

Full Story

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