Wednesday, March 12, 2008

President Bush Attends National Religious Broadcasters 2008 Convention

President Bush Attends National Religious Broadcasters 2008 Convention

Highlights from President Bush speaking at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee

Bush: "I want to share one story with you. Some of you may have heard me tell you this before. But one of my best friends in the international community, someone with whom I spent a lot of time talking about how to defeat extremism and defend the peace, was the Prime Minister of Japan. And what I found most interesting was the history of my family. My father, like many of your relatives, signed up to fight the sworn enemy, the Japanese. And 60 years later, his son is at the peace table, planning and thinking about how we can confront this form of extremism in the short term and the long term. Something happened between Ensign Bush and Bush President 43."

What happened between Ensign Bush and Bush President 43? We bombed a whole bunch of innocent Japanese people into submission.

Bush: "We saw firsthand how the lack of freedom and opportunity in the Middle East directly affects our safety here at home. Nineteen men killed nearly 3,000 people because someone convinced them that they were acting in the name of God. Murder of the innocent to achieve political objectives is wrong and must be condemned."

But George, didn't you just use, as an example to justify our current wars, the murder of innocent Japanese people in order to achieve political objectives?

Arkansas Residents Sentenced for Structuring Currency Transactions, Money Sent to Middle East

Arkansas Residents Sentenced for Structuring Currency Transactions, Money Sent to Middle East

Federal banking laws require banks to record the transaction and obtain identification information for individuals purchasing bank checks of $3,000 or more. In order to evade those reporting requirements, individuals often purchase multiple checks in structured amounts slightly less than $3,000.

Through two convenience stores owned and operated by Eyad and Linda Hassan, the defendants obtained cash to purchase official bank checks in structured amounts of just under $3,000. To avoid reporting requirements, the indictment alleges that defendants repeatedly made multiple structured check purchases on the same day. For example, on May 12, 2005, the defendants purchased six checks in the amounts of $2,900; $2,800; $2,800; $2,800; $2,900; and $2,760. On May 19, 2005, they purchased six more checks in the amounts of $2,800; $2,900; $2,800; $2,900; $2,800; and $2,600. The indictment states that the checks were ultimately sent overseas to the Middle East.

Homeland Security Holds Cyber Storm II Exercise

Homeland Security Holds Cyber Storm II Exercise

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is conducting the largest cyber security exercise ever organized. Cyber Storm II is being held from March 10-14 in Washington, D.C. and brings together participants from federal, state and local governments, the private sector, and the international community.

Cyber Storm II is the second in a series of congressionally mandated exercises that will examine the nation’s cyber security preparedness and response capabilities. The exercise will simulate a coordinated cyber attack on information technology, communications, chemical, and transportation systems and assets.

“Securing cyberspace is vital to maintaining America’s strategic interests, public safety, and economic prosperity,” said Greg Garcia, Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Cyber Security and Communications. “Exercises like Cyber Storm II help to ensure that the public and private sectors are prepared for an effective response to attacks against our critical systems and networks.”

Cyber Storm II will include 18 federal departments and agencies, nine states (Calif., Colo., Del., Ill., Mich., N.C., Pa., Texas and Va.), five countries (United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom), and more than 40 private sector companies. They include ABB, Inc., Air Products, Cisco, Dow Chemical Company Inc., Harris Corporation, Juniper Networks, McAfee, Microsoft, NeuStar, PPG Industries, and Wachovia.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Things seen and heard at the "Internet Marketing Conference"

Last year I went to the "Internet Marketing Conference" with a buddy of mine. I never did get a chance to report on some of the crazy things I saw and heard while in attendance that day.

I went because my older friend had already paid for a ticket and said that free lunch was included. It's the "Internet Marketing Conference" that seems to show up at a hotel in every city across the country at least once a year and is heavily advertised by snail mail.

Those poor old folks had no idea what they were walking into.

Having already run a few websites in the past and dabbled in some Internet marketing work, I was fully aware of most everything that they discussed at the conference.

Essentially what this group does is charge people a few thousand dollars for a website and access to some tools that are available very cheaply or altogether free to those who are aware.

Do you need to pay a few grand to get and access to otherwise free affiliate programs? No, of course not. These people were getting ripped off.

The tactics they used to achieve the sales were downright dirty.

Full Story

Details leaked about top secret 'Project Lucy Go Home'

Details leaked about top secret 'Project Lucy Go Home'

Sources within the government have leaked details about a top secret plan called 'Project Lucy Go Home' which is to be carried out at some point in the next few years. An email from an anonymous government agent offered the following tidbits about the expensive and secretive plot.

Project Lucy involves the knowledge, or willing compliance without specific details, of the governments of up to 150 countries around the world.

All major countries are involved in nearly all aspects of the planning and execution of Project Lucy.

The project has included performing psychological experiments on massive populations without the consent of the people. In fact, the people are paying for it. More...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Text of March 8, 2008 Bush Radio Address to Nation

Can you spot the lie told by Bush in the very first paragraph?

Later on, did he really say that they have to use these special torture methods, because of the Internet?

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, I addressed the Department of Homeland Security on its fifth anniversary and thanked the men and women who work tirelessly to keep us safe. Because of their hard work, and the efforts of many across all levels of government, we have not suffered another attack on our soil since September the 11th, 2001.

Read the full transcript at

Saturday, March 1, 2008

New World Order Magic

The last 220 years in this country have amounted to a very big magic show but it was not a magic show without purpose.

The Patriot Act is a fraud

The Patriot Act is a complete fraud. The people who passed it were not elected according to the Constitution, as shown here and here, so they could not have put such a piece of work into action.

Take this into account when thinking about the wiretap immunity bill. The Patriot Act is a fraud and those who passed it are all frauds who were not elected according to the United States Constitution.

How can people with no authority pass an immunity bill?

How did people with no authority pass the Patriot Act?

They didn't pass the Patriot Act. According to the United States Constitution, there were no eligible politicians to pass such an Act.