Friday, February 29, 2008

George Bush is the best and last President, ever

George Bush is the best and last President, ever

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Every President of the United States has taken that oath when they enter office. George W. Bush may be the only one to ever actually accomplish the task.

Full Story...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

No man or woman can be President of the United States

No man or woman can be President of the United States

I'm going to try this again since my first attempt is not going over as smoothly as hoped. Perhaps out of excitement I put together my thoughts and words in a way that makes them unclear to the reader.

According to the U.S. Constitution, there cannot be a President of the United States.

Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5:
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Ron Paul can't be POTUS. Hillary Clinton can't be POTUS. Mike Huckabee can't be POTUS. John McCain can't be POTUS. Barack Obama can't be POTUS.

Full Story...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Chicken Noodle Soup Revolution

It could be said with reasonable accuracy that Ron Paul entered the 2008 presidential contest with 0% among Republicans, nationally. He's now sitting between 4% and 25% regionally, nationwide, depending on where you sit.

From a business perspective, given all that has been overcome in terms of censorship and pure hatred for the product, Ron Paul 2008 has been a resounding success.

Imagine starting up your own small chicken noodle soup company. Before you have even sold your first batch, dozens of websites have sprung up declaring your chicken soup to be the worst soup on the planet. Everywhere you go to try to advertise your new chicken noodle soup company, haters are there to stain your name even though you have done nothing to them and they haven't even tried your soup.

"This soup is racist because it says white and dark meat on the label!"

"This soup is evil because it says 'Incorporated' and is sold for profit!"

"Look at the guy he just sold a bowl of soup to. He's crazy! You can't buy soup from that vendor because he hangs around crazy people!"

Full story at

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

John McCain hasn't secured the nomination

John McCain Sex Scandal?

On top of the fact that he has yet to reach the needed number of delegates to secure the nomination prior to the national convention, a major scandal is breaking in regards to an improper, if not sexual, relationship between McCain and a middle-aged female lobbyist.

Full story at

Roberto Clemente: Not quite a God, not just a man

Roberto Clemente - Most of us have had a hero or two at some point in our life. Some heroes act merely as temporary inspirations in our lives. Other heroes achieve a more permanent "Godly" status. Many perceived heroes turn out to be not so heroic after all. ...

Roberto Clemente took personal pride in what he did and he strove to make skin color irrelevant. Look again at how Clemente went out in this life. Can you doubt his sense of individual responsibility? He was just one man yet was on his way to attempt to do what entire governments either will not or cannot do. Clemente never did get to live in a free society. He faced economical and racial adversity yet, according to what history says, accomplished more in his short lifetime than most of us can ever hope to.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hoosiers should bring back Mike Davis

Indiana made a mistake in letting Mike Davis go

Given the recent re-enlightenment of how Kelvin Sampson snares the superstar players it leaves this lifelong Hoosier fan wishing for the days of old.

By "wishing for the days of old" I do not mean that I wish for the return of Bob Knight. While I still regard Knight as a coaching legend I have come to realize that he is a punk. And I say that with all due respect, Sir Knight.

Sampson cheats to win. Knight beats to win.

Yes, I know that Bob is retired now.

Mike Davis? He doesn't cheat or beat and you cannot say that he doesn't win. Davis was 115-79 at Indiana and had a respectable 55-41 Big Ten record.

I am not the only Hoosiers fan who recognizes the 2002 NCAA Tournament as the highlight of the modern IU era. That wonderful tourney run was largely due to the coaching skills of Mike Davis.

Read the full story at

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Top contributors to Paul are from the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force

Paul and Obama top military campaign donations

For military donations, Paul nearly raised more than all five of the other listed candidates combined. That's quite an impressive haul no matter how you feel about Paul.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ron Paul, Left, Ron Paul, Left, Ron Paul, Left

Ron Paul, Left

Ron Paul Racing has announced that two NASCAR drivers may be sponsored by Ron Paul supporters.

A tally at shows that Paul supporters have already piled nearly $20,000 toward the effort. Can they reach the $100,000 by Friday?


Monday, February 11, 2008

Will Ron Paul hold his home court?

Home Court Advantage for Paul?

Texas and Pennsylvania may stand in the way of a John McCain nomination

The three largest remaining Republican primary/caucus states are Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Those three states account for 302 of the 940 or so remaining delegates.

John McCain needs over 400 delegates to clinch the Republican nomination. He may pick up another 100 from D.C., Virginia and Maryland. We'll find that out soon enough. Even with a huge gain tomorrow, McCain has his work cut out for him if he hopes to roll into Saint Paul with the nomination secured.

More at

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ron Paul did not drop out of the race

Is the Ron Paul Revolution dead?

Ron Paul did not drop out of the race

I've seen it advertised far and wide that Ron Paul is dropping out of the presidential race. I read the letter in question and cannot come to that same conclusion. Let me elaborate.
In bold will be excerpts from Ron's recent letter which sparked the concession talk.
In normal type will be my personal thoughts on the matter. More...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ron Paul does well in the Northwest, Revolution rolls forward

Ron Paul does well in the Northwest, Revolution rolls forward

Paul hangs with the "big boys" in Alaska, Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota

Ron Paul wins Alaska! Wait, no he didn't. In fact, Ron Paul did not win any states on Super Tuesday. Surely his detractors are tickled by the lack of victories. Despite the dominance of pro-war Republicans in the caucuses and primaries, Paul actually did quite well in a number of states. More...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Huckabee wins West Virginia via Ron Paul

Paul gets more delegates than Romney in West Virginia, Huck wins

Mike Huckabee bested Mitt Romney to win 18 national delegates from the West Virginia Republican convention. In order to secure enough support to win the convention, Camp Huckabee cut a last minute deal with Camp Paul. As part of the deal, three Huckabee delegates agree to resign and be replaced by three Ron Paul delegates. More...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ron Paul Super Tuesday Preview

How will Paul do on Super Tuesday?

Ron Paul wins Alaska caucus! Ron Paul outpaces rivals in North Dakota, Minnesota and Colorado! Paul pulls 15% in California! Montana Republicans choose Paul. Romney concedes defeat to Paul in West Virginia.

OK, just practicin'. What can I say? I'm excited for the possibilities of Super Tuesday in regards to the Ron Paul Revolution. I state firmly that his current 4% national polling numbers will be proven very inaccurate.

My head is not totally in the clouds though. If even one of the above headlines were to come true I'd be very pleased. With second-place finishes in Maine, Nevada and Louisiana to date, I do not expect Ron Paul to emerge as the clear frontrunner after the Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses.

Paul will likely pull single-digits in a number of states, maybe even a dozen of 'em. More...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ron Paul will surprise on Super Tuesday

Ron Paul will surprise on Super Tuesday

Coming off a strong showing in the Maine caucuses this weekend, Ron Paul will further elevate his status on Super Tuesday. Of course Paul will not become the instant frontrunner after the 5th, but he will finish very well in a number of states and show the rest of the country that the Ron Paul Revolution has legs. More...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Is Barack Obama aligning himself with Ron Paul?

In the past few days I've seen Barry Obama clarify his support for the decriminalization of marijuana as well as be attributed to this beauty: "I don't want to just end the war, I want to end the mind-set that got us into war in the first place." Sounds like Ron Paul to me.

Is Barack Obama aligning himself with Ron Paul?